I signed up for LoseIt Premium (again). Each time I do this I learn how bad my math is and how I cannot judge the weight of things simply by eating them.
There are 201 posts filed in Journal (this is page 2 of 14).

Thanks for the new toy. Got any more?
Spent a month away from Twitter. One day back and I’m already crabby and screaming at my screen. This is after unfollowing the most problematic people. Twitter is no longer healthy for me.
My girlfriend’s 89-year-old father looked up, saw me taking his photo, and did this.
Hi Gene!

Founders CBS
I’ve been waiting years for the return of one of my very favorite beers. Founders CBS. Can’t wait to drink this!

We’re all friends here.
I started to read “The Four” but on Page 4 this: “At its core, Apple fills two instinctual needs: to feel closer God and be more attractive to the opposite sex.” C’mon, that’s asinine even if you don’t like Apple.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, 2017 – ★★★½

Well it certainly looked good. Kudos for the effort but it’s too bad I didn’t care about any of the characters.
I finally finished building the HeathKit clock. My first real electronics project and I’m pretty happy about it.
Another nice night for a walk
I had this giant unused notebook so I started writing in it every book, movie, TV show that I finish. It’s useless but kind of fun to have.
From tonight’s walk. It was nice.
I would love for anyone with a few extra minutes to try the new gift-finding app we built: https://gftbot.com. Are the results relevant? Any issues with the bot interaction? Comments welcome.
Logan Lucky, 2017 – ★★★★

A wonderful lark of a film.
What I like about my recently revived photo blog is that I am posting only photos that I like and writing about what I’m interested in. No concern for building an “audience”. Feels good.