I’ve been completely off Twitter for 14 days and I’m still able to learn about things that are interesting in the world. Shocking! :).
There are 201 posts filed in Journal (this is page 4 of 14).
Short Term 12, 2013 – ★★★★

Quiet, sincere, and rather wonderful. I’m enjoying films lately about people being people.
There Will Be Blood, 2007 – ★★★★★

For not seeing this before now, I have no excuse. Amazing, powerful, beautiful, depressing. Daniel Day Lewis is a powerhouse.
My dad reaches for a snack
Leica M6. Summicron 50mm. Tri-X at 1250 in Diafine
A room in my mom’s dollhouse.
Leica M6. Summicron 50mm. Tri-X at 1250 in Diafine.
Bringing the Midori back into rotation for a bit.
I miss Roger Ebert
My daughter turns 28 this month and she still doesn’t use email if at all possible. I find that both surprising and not.
John Gruber on the iOS 11.1 i-to-A bug:
…for some reason the machine learning algorithm for autocorrect was learning something it never should have learned
I guess we’ll just have to get used to machines learning things they shouldn’t.
Looks like I’ll be watching television on my phone for the first time tonight. https://www.wired.com/story/steven-soderbergh-new-app-mosaic/
I think I’ll stick with WordPress for my microblog. At least for now. My love-hate relationship with WordPress continues.
I’ve imported my WordPress “snippets” into micro.blog. Images are a bit uneven/missing but most of the content is there. I’m interested in moving into micro.blog but need to tinker with it a bit more to make sure it all fits nicely.
This a/v setup from early 2000s actually worked pretty well. Or at least it worked (Says the guy who’s Plex server isn’t working today).