There are 201 posts filed in Journal (this is page 5 of 14).
Podcasts release schedules should be based on when people feel they have something interesting to say and not a calendar. It’s ok to skip a week. Or two.
Medium and Large
Your search “Nicolas Cage Hairstyle Whiteboard” did not match any products.
C’mon Amazon, get with the program.
Ran into the old Tinderbox document that managed for a while. I tidied it up, hit “Export” and uploaded the static output to my DigitalOcean droplet, just for fun.
Bought a signed Elliot Erwitt print from Magnum because I love Elliot Erwitt.
I’m having fun with the new Polaroid One Step
Founders Backwoods Bastard remains a favorite
Leaves and drain
Scanning more of my grandpa’s 8mm films.