There are 201 posts filed in Journal (this is page 8 of 14).

She’s just a blur coming into the frame.
Nikon F100. HP5+.

I love old things that still work. Going on 80 years and I can pop this into the projector and watch it.

Well this is fun. Who would have thought I’d be able to buy a brand new “Polaroid” in 2017. Makes me a little giddy.

My working notebook (aka a sort-of “bullet journal”) is now a large Boorum & Pease record book (21-300-R). If you’re going to carry a notebook, make it count! @20 – Paul Ford
Our software is bullshit, our literary essays are too long, the good editors all quit or got fired, hardly anyone is experimenting with form in a way that wakes me up, the IDEs haven’t caught up with the 1970s, the R&D budgets are weak, the little zines are badly edited, the tweets are poor, the short stories make no sense, people still care too much about magazines, the Facebook posts are nightmares, LinkedIn has ruined capitalism, and the big tech companies that have arisen are exhausting, lumbering gold-thirsty kraken that swim around with sour looks on their face wondering why we won’t just give them all our gold and save the time.
Paul is my hero.
Amer, 2009 – ★★½
Yes, Giallo. Yes, visually interesting. Did not enjoy it.
Book: Words for Letters ★★★

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A book about writing letters by local author, Keith Winnard. I love everything about writing, sending, and receiving hand-written letters, so this book was inspirational, if not terribly informative. Keith is an enthusiastic cheerleader of the cause.