I know Amazon Web Services are cool and powerful, but here’s an example of why I struggle with them.


I had this giant unused notebook so I started writing in it every book, movie, TV show that I finish. It’s useless but kind of fun to have.

What I like about my recently revived photo blog is that I am posting only photos that I like and writing about what I’m interested in. No concern for building an “audience”. Feels good.

Old-school blogging meets new-school blogging. Typewritten page is edited with a pen, then re-typed on the iPad and posted to the blog.

How 11 Writers Organize Their Personal Libraries

Literary Hub:

There’s a secret war raging on the internet. The stakes are high. The warriors are fierce. The battleground is your bookshelf. Do you alphabetize? Do you color-code? Do you have no system at all? You’ll have to pick a side.

For the books that still fit on my shelves, I organize chronologically by the date I finished them.

Given that I have a new photo blog, I wonder if I’ll post as many photos here. And given that I may post fewer photos here, I wonder if WordPress is overkill. Also, I wonder if I could navel-gaze even more.